Don't count the hours in the day. Make the hours in the day count.

"All children need a laptop. Not a computer, but a human laptop. Moms, Dads, Grannies and Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles - someone to hold them, read to them, teach them. Loved ones who will embrace them and pass on the experience, rituals and knowledge of a hundred previous generations. Loved ones who will pass to the next gneration their expectations of them, their hopes, and their dreams." - General Colin L. Powell

09 April 2009


I finally, finally got my tushy on the bandwagon to get off the weight I've gained over the past few years. I've exercised four days in a row and have dropped almost four pounds in the process. I've been watching how much I eat, but not really what. We went out for chinese at lunch yesterday; I just didn't eat as much as I normally would have. I know it's only a small success, but it's something. Every day and every pound gets me one step closer to my goal weight and activity level. Hopefully a year from now, I'll be in good enough shape to hike the Grand Canyon. I want to have the engery to play soccer or basketball with my kids. I want to wake up every morning ready to face the day rather than wanting to climb back in bed and sleep.

I've also been trying to improve my spiritual health lately. I have really slacked off a lot the last couple of years. I've been going through the motions, but not investing myself at all. I'm happy to report that I have studied scriptures and gospel lessons everyday for a week. Sadly, I can't say when the last time that happened was. I still have a long way to go, but every little bit helps. I already have a better outlook on life in general and have more patience with my kids. I'm determined to do my visiting teaching this month. I have lived in my current ward for almost three years and have only seen visiting teachers at my house maybe four times, home teachers three times. I know how it feels to think that no one cares enough to even call me, let alone stop by and spend some time getting to know me. Well, I can't very well complain about others not doing it if I, myself, am slacking off. I have a challenging route - four sisters, zero phone numbers. So I have to guess at when they may be home and hope to catch them. And I've decided this month, I am going to ask my visiting teachers when they are coming. I'll make it easy on them...they won't even have to pick up the phone to call me.

One step at a time. Every little change has helped so I know as I implement more positive changes in my life, my life will be better.


Heidi said...

Keep it up, Valerie! I'm working on the same things you are, only I'm lucky enough to have phone numbers for VT, and a companion who's gung ho about making the calls :-) (Our biggest trouble is the sisters having time to let us come by. Our one less active sister is by far the easiest to visit!)

VKMyers said...

Sometimes I think we must be soul sisters or something. :o) Nice to know I have a comrade in all of the changes though. It sure makes it easier.