Don't count the hours in the day. Make the hours in the day count.

"All children need a laptop. Not a computer, but a human laptop. Moms, Dads, Grannies and Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles - someone to hold them, read to them, teach them. Loved ones who will embrace them and pass on the experience, rituals and knowledge of a hundred previous generations. Loved ones who will pass to the next gneration their expectations of them, their hopes, and their dreams." - General Colin L. Powell

25 August 2008

Computers, dogs and school

So, our computer is really sick. We have a back up we are using, but I can't get to the USB port to download pictures to, so as soon as we get something working I PROMISE more pics! Until then, you'll have to live with boring text!

So we've been enjoying Clayton's two weeks off from school. We decided to get the family a pet... She's an Australian Shepherd/Lab mix that we rescued from the Animal Welfare League. She's a year old and luckily she's housebroken. She's good with Andrew and if we could break her of play biting and chewing all of Andrew's toys, we'd be happy campers. Andrew likes to play with her, probably too much. He's thoroughly pleased by chasing her with his vacuum or trike or truck or anything he can push that will make her run.

Clayton starts school again tonight so I get to look forward to more "single" parenting and lots of sad Andrew who misses his Daddy! I know it's going to be worth it, but boy is it going to be a struggle. It doesn't help that I have pregnancy hormones that are going crazy and make me cry at the drop of a spoon or a spill of juice.

09 August 2008

So this week has been pretty chaotic in the Myers' household. The week started off with Clayton's finals (take home...not sure if that's a good thing or not). They were super time consuming and made for some long days for both of us.

Tuesday was pretty good. We went to the doctor and finally got to hear the baby's heartbeat. I seem to have babies that like to hide. Andrew did the same thing. Andrew thought hearingthe heartbeat was pretty cool. I'm almost positive he had NO idea what was really going on, but he still thought it was cool.

Wednesday...more final exams... I think Clayton thought they would never end (and to be honest, I didn't either).

Thursday was a really stressful day. Andrew's been fighting a tooth infection for a couple of weeks. The dentist scheduled him for Thursday to be sedated and have x-rays and whatever dental work needed to be done. When we went in originally, the dentist said he thought Andrew had a cavity and that it was possibly causing the infection. That pretty well wracked me with guilt. The x-rays showed no cavity and no real obvious reason for the infection. He felt it would be best to pull the tooth now because it would have to be pulled eventually and it was better to not put Andrew through any more pain and us any more money than necessary. 2 years old, Andrew is down one tooth. Fortunately it is one of his molars so it's not real obvious. They put in a spacer to allow his permanant tooth a natural path to come in (in like 6 or so years). I still haven't been able to bring myself to look at the tooth. Have you ever dealt with a toddler that's just coming out of sedation? Complete Jekyll and Hyde. He'd be screaming mad one minute over something as simple as a closed door or juice in the wrong paper cup. The next minute he was happy as a clam. Until he couldn't get down because he was still a little hungover...then it was back to the complete emotional breakdown. I suggest avoiding this if at all possible, especially if you're pregnant. I was in tears as much as he was just because of all the stress of it and all the raging hormones!

But, now finals are over. Andrew is getting better and sick at the same time. His mouth is fine, but I think he's getting a cold or something. So, we are very much looking forward to the next two weeks with daddy home every night to help mommy and play with Andrew! Only nine more months and school will be DONE!